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Mr. Brian L. Jacobs

Tibet with SABEH


Brian Jacobs grew up in Southern California and has been teaching English and Humanities for twenty-four years in both K-12 and college settings. Along with teaching 9th Grade English, he was DMHS Gifted and Talented Coordinator. He is 46, lives in Downtown Los Angeles and has been married for 10 years to Thye, a Professor of Nursing & a Nurse Practitioner. After graduating with his BA in English Brian began teaching and ventured into studying towards a Master’s degree in Women Studies & a Master of Fine Arts in Writing & Poetics (where he was the assistant to the Poet Allen Ginsberg) while also earning his Teaching Credential in English. During this time he walked half way around the world while on a peace pilgrimage with Buddhist monks commemorating WWII visiting Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Brian is also a three time Fulbright Scholar, which has allowed him to study in Brazil, where he studied its water issues; China, where he studied its vast 10,000 year history; and Japan, spending time to participate in a case study in one of its small towns near the Japanese Alps. He had also earned a National Endowment of Humanities grant to China, studying its philosophies and histories while living in Xi’an. He subsequently participated in a grant from Fund For Teachers visiting South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho, plus earning other various grants that have taken him to places all over in the United States. He teaches teachers in China every summer under a grant from SABEH. He also just earned an Earth Watch grant to Ecuador, to study climate change. He continues to love travel and has recently taken students to The South Pacific, China, Europe, and has taken students this year to China again. He has been to over 75 countries and all 50 states.  He loves to visit New York City, Paris and Amsterdam the most.  His current hobbies include yoga, vegan cooking, travel, politics, activism for many causes, reading, concerts/shows/plays, watching reality TV, as well as fostering his “addictions” collecting music from Radiohead to anything 80’s, to championing his obsession with Ai Wei Wei & Keith Haring’s artworks. His favorite films are Forks Over Knives, Evil Dead II, Wings of Desire, Dancer in the Dark, Tarnation and Pedro Almodovar's, High Heels. He loves to read authors of health, philosophy and fiction like Pema Chodron, Vonnegut, Lao Tzu, Camus, Tolstoy, Lawrence, Wilde, Foucault and Rhys.  He believes his students are all~WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!!!


Sites about his pilgrimage around the world:




Jacobs getting his boots dirty in Ecuador with Earthwatch!
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