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Ms. Smith ! Mr. Jacobs

English 9 Syllabus

Social Justice Humanitas Academy



Course Description:

Welcome to Social Justice Humanitas Academy. As a ninth grader, you will experience a humanities (focus on humankind: our development, our culture, our diversity, and our commonality), thematic, writing-based approach to learning, by studying various disciplines within the context of language arts or English.  In this class, we study various world cultures through the disciplines of literature, social institutions, art and beliefs, as they are related by themes.   The ninth grade year begins in the context of critical thinking using a global perspective; you will explore the diversity of cultural expressions and the effects on nature, societies, and the individual. You will be taught the skills necessary to comprehend, critically think, and synthesize the learning into coherent essays written during each unit. We aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. We will explore knowledge claims and explore knowledge questions.


We will explore Social Justice, Humanities, language, perception, emotion, reason, imagination, faith, intuition, and memory. You will be: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective!

Code of Ethics:

You have chosen to be part of a learning community that is committed to achieving the highest level of academic, individual, and collective excellence, which can only be achieved in an environment that requires intellectual honesty and personal integrity; maintains trust and respect; and cultivates responsible citizenship. These values are essential to the performance of students and teachers and are expected of all members of the SJHA community.


Classroom Website:

You are expected to visit the class website regularly. You will have at least one online assignment that must be accessed via the class website.

Add the website at:

Code to Add Class: e3jkas



  • Assignments must be complete and on time (before class begins) in order to receive full credit.


  • Missing and/or incomplete assignments: All missing and/or incomplete assignments must be made up, and students are required to attend 20 minutes of detention for each incomplete or missed assignment (red stamp). Red stamps must be served during the last 20 minutes of advisory (3:16-3:36) and during teachers’ office hours before or after school.


  • Absence: An absence due to an illness is the only legitimate excuse for late work or missing quizzes or tests. Students are responsible for all work missed during absence. Absences are not “free passes” for missing or not turning in work!! In the case of absence on the day of an assignment, assignments are due upon returning to class. Students absent when work is assigned must request assignment from the teacher and turn it in the date given by the teacher. Quizzes or test makeups must be scheduled with the teacher to be completed during advisory networking (permission must be given by advisory teacher) or during office hours.



Regular Grading Scale                                                                        Honors Grading Scale

88% - 100%            =A                                                                                    90%-100% = A

80% - 87%            =B                                                                                      80%-89%    = B

65 % - 79%            =C                                                                                    70%-79%    = C

0-64%              =F                                                                                    0%-69%       = F

Notice: There is no D grade in this class.


In addition to the academic grade, students receive grades for Work Habits and Cooperation.        

These are: 

E for Excellent

S for Satisfactory

U for Unsatisfactory




Work Habits grade includes:

  • Arriving to class on time

  • Coming to class prepared with all necessary materials

  • Completion of assignments

  • Class participation and effort

  • Regular attendance and lack of unexcused tardiness

Cooperation grade includes:

  • Cooperation with the teacher

  • Cooperation with other adults including substitutes and guests

  • Cooperation with classmates

  • Appropriate classroom behavior



Classroom Requirements and Consequences:


  • Lanyard: Students must wear this around their necks every day. Students missing lanyards will not be allowed in the classroom and will be referred to the office.


  • Humanitas planner: Students must bring this every day. Failure to bring planner will result in a red stamp (20 minutes detention).


  • Materials: Students must bring all required materials every day—interactive English notebook, pens, pencils (regular and colored), and glue sticks.


  • Bathroom Passes: Students will get three passes per semester.



  • Phones/Ipods/Electronic Devices: These are not allowed to be used in my classroom and should be kept out of sight at all times. If I see one, I will take it, and the result will be:

First Time: Warning and discussion. I will return it after class.

Second Time: I will return it after school. Red stamp (20 minute detention). Parent will be contacted.

Third Time: Phone will only be released to a parent during a parent conference.


  • No food, drinks, or gum is allowed in class. Only water is allowed. If you bring it in class, you will be instructed to throw it away.


  • Each unexcused tardy will result in a red stamp in your planner which must be made up before or after school during office hours.





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